Check out all the magazines and newspapers you want with your library card online or through an app.
OverDrive/Libby Magazines
Get access to more than 3,000 digital magazine titles provided by OverDrive for use with Libby online or in the Libby app.
Magazines can be checked out for 7, 14, or 21 days at a time and do not count toward your checkout limit, so checkout as many as you'd like! Articles are the same as in the print versions and full-text searching is available.
Titles include:
Bon Appetit, Cosmopolitan, Country Living, Family Handyman, Food Network, Good Housekeeping, HGTV Magazine, In Touch Weekly, Kiplinger's Personal Finance, National Geographic Magazine, The New Yorker, Newsweek, OK! Magazine, Popular Mechanics, Prevention, Reader's Digest, The Simple Things, Star Magazine, Taste of Home, Vogue, Wired, Women's Health, Yoga Journal
You can also view the full list of magazines provided by OverDrive online.
Flipster Magazines
Get instant access to popular Magazines provided by Flipster.
- View on any web browser.
- Some weekly and monthly eMagazines expire but can be redownloaded.
- Offline viewing is available for select Android tablets and iOS tablets and smartphones.
Magazine titles available through Flipster include:
- Allrecipes
- Better Homes & Gardens
- Essence
- People
- Real Simple
- Southern Living
- Time
You can access our daily newspapers online.
- America's News
- Gainesville Sun Collection (including archives)
- New York Times
- MasterFILE Premier (journals and more)
- Mainstreet Daily News
You can access to the following publications online: