Get started on your job search, from writing and formatting your resume to making sure you have the right tools and resources to look for the job you want. The Library offers tools and resources to assist you with resume writing and refinement, interviewing, career exploration, and more.
- Apply for a Job - Gainesville & Alachua County
Alachua County Job Opportunities
City of Gainesville Job Opportunities
Santa Fe College Employment Opportunities
- Apply for a Job - Florida
Employ Florida - search jobs located in Florida and access tools for finding a job
My Florida - Available Jobs - search jobs available with the State of Florida
- Reemployment
Florida Reemployment Assistance Portal (New Applications and Existing Users)
- Helpful Links
Career Search Skills - Hosted by Northstar Digital Literacy
- Searching for Jobs
- Preparing a Resume and Supporting Documents
- Applying and Interviewing for a Job
- After the Interview
Essential Skills for Workplace Success - Hosted by UF Community Engagement
- Career Source of North Central Florida or call 352-955-2245