Questions? We can help!
General Information
Headquarters Library Reference Desk
Call: 352-334-3940
Text (SMS): 352-578-1184
TTY: 711 (Florida Relay Service)
Department Contacts
Patron Accounts
Circulation Services 352-334-3950
Adult Services 352-334-3940
Kids & Teens
Youth Services 352-334-3941

Need general assistance outside of library hours?
Ask-A-Librarian service provides Florida residents with virtual reference services through live chat and text messaging from 10 a.m. to midnight Sunday through Thursday, and from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Friday and Saturday.
Upcoming Holiday Closings:
4/20 (Sunday) Spring Holiday
5/26 (Monday) Memorial Day
6/19 (Thursday) Juneteenth
7/4 (Friday) Independence Day
9/1 (Monday) Labor Day
Please keep in mind that Ask-A-Librarian is a state-wide service and the librarians may not work for the Alachua County Library District.