Meeting space is available at several of our library locations. When not required for Library District use, these spaces may be made available, free of charge, to individuals or community groups whose purposes are civil, cultural, or educational in nature. Most meeting rooms can be reserved online, but require reviewing and agreeing to our Meeting Room/Outdoor Spaces Use policy, including the following:
- Use of the meeting rooms is by reservation only.
- Reservations may only be made for one event per month.
- Reservations can be made for up to two months following the current month.
- Unscheduled rooms may be used by the public on a first-come, first-served basis, as long as the use conforms to the use policy.
- All meetings must be free and open to the public and no attendance or entry fee may be charged.
- Commercial sales and promotion of businesses are prohibited.
- Personal use of the meeting rooms for baby showers, birthday parties, graduation celebrations, or other private social events is not permitted.
- Attendance must not exceed the limit established for each meeting room.
- Refreshments are subject to rules for the specific room or area. Alcoholic beverages may not be served, nor is smoking permitted anywhere on library premises.
- The library should only be listed as the location of the meeting. Groups may not use the Library District's name or address as their own or store their property at the library between meetings.
Study Rooms
Study Rooms are available at most of our library branch locations. Hawthorne and Micanopy branches do not have study rooms.
- Study Rooms can be booked on a first-come, first-served basis.
- Reservations are limited to day-of bookings.
- Bookings must take place in-person or by phone at the branch you wish to visit.
- Study Room reservations are limited to a maximum of two (2) hours at a time and renewals are based on availability.
- Study Rooms have individual capacity limits.
- Study Room reservations may be cancelled by staff after 15 minutes of start time if not in use.

Have a reservation?
Room Locations
Check availability or reserve a meeting room at the following locations:
Currently, the Micanopy Branch does not have Meeting Rooms available.