Government Services (eGovernment) are provided at the city, county, and/or state level. eGovernment allows you to access these services and information digitally through the Library District. We support eGovernment by providing:
- Free public access to internet computer workstations.
- Classes for basic computer skills (see our Events page).
- Affordable Care Act
- Get Health Insurance
- Employment
- Search for jobs
- Government Assistance
Automated Community Connection to Economic Self-Sufficiency (ACCESS)
- Apply for Food Stamps
- Apply for Medicaid
- Apply for Cash Assistance
- Apply for a free cellphone
- Re-employment Assistance
- File for Re-employment Assistance
Florida Re-employment Assistance Claim
- Claim my weeks
- SBA Disaster Loans
Who can use an SBA disaster loan?
Businesses of all sizes located in declared disaster areas, private nonprofit organizations, homeowners, and renters affected by declared disasters, including civil unrest and natural disasters such as hurricanes, flooding, and wildfires.
How to apply:
- Online at
- Apply by mail - call (800) 659-2955 to request a paper application
For more information, call (800) 659-2955 or visit
- Tax Information
Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Print tax forms
- File your taxes for free
- Vital Records
Florida Bureau of Vital Statistics
- Request records of Birth, Death, Marriage, Divorce
- Voter Registration
Register to vote or update your registration through Alachua County's Supervisor of Elections site at
You can download the application to fill out.
You can pick up a Voter Registration Application Form at any library location or other locations throughout Alachua County.
Right Service at the Right Time

If you have a need right now, the library can help you find the right service.
Find help available in Alachua County with:
Find help available in another Florida county.
Frequently used services quick links can be found here.
Are you a service provider? Want your non-profit or government service(s) listed? Contact us by email or call 352-334-3940.
2-1-1 Get Connected, Get Help
Access 2-1-1 First Call for Help to find local resources for a variety of needs. Want to speak to someone? Contact 2-1-1 today!
Assessment, Information, and Referral
2 1-1 First Call for Help is dedicated to improving the quality of life for all residents of all people by providing access, through caring and professional guidance and advocacy, to essential community health and human services. Once a 2-1-1 Counselor assesses the needs of the caller, their goal is to provide them with the most accurate information, resources and referrals to the agency and program that can best meet their needs.
Disaster-Related Services
People seek vital information about conditions and services such as evacuation routes, shelters and so much more. 2-1-1 provides a 24/7 Helpline connected to a highly trained team providing the up-to-date information in an emergency.