Let's be honest with ourselves, we're all addicted to personality quizzes. Sometimes you just need to sit on the couch for five hours and deep dive into buzzfeed's quiz page until your eyes glaze over and you've discovered what type of winter squash you are. It happens. So in preparation for the next time you have a paper or job application due in 12 hours and just can't, I offer the world's first comprehensive (well, as comprehensive as we can make it on short notice) list of literary personality quizzes. Don't have time for Pottermore but need to know your patronus? Not a problem. Is it time to learn once and for all which Bennet sister you are? I got you, boo. Just sit back, relax, and don't forget to hydrate.

- Which two Pride and Predjudice characters are you?
- Which "literature lady" are you?
- What Jane Austen character are you?
- Which literary character are you?
- Which classic novel are you?
- Which classic literary character are you?
- Which Shakespeare character are you?
- Who should you be in Hamlet?
- Which Shakespeare quote best describes you?
- Which Merchant of Venice character are you?
- Which Shakespearean Heroine are you?
- Which Shakespearean death will you die of?

- What Form Would Your Daemon Take?
- Which "Hunger Games" district do you belong in?
- Which "Hunger Games" character are you?
- What is your role in the "Hunger Games"?
- What "Twilight" characer are you most like?
- Which Volturi are you?
- What Riordanverse world do you belong in?
- Which cabin at Camp Half Blood from "Percy Jackson" do you belong in?
- Which young adult author will you like?
- Which YA character is a replica of you?
- Which stereotypical YA dystopian character are you?

- Which Harry Potter character are you?
- What would your career be in the Harry Potter universe?
- What is your Animagus?
- Which Ilvermorny house would you be sorted into?
- Which Hogwarts house matches your aesthetic best?
- Which Hogwarts house do you belong to? (for those who don't like Pottermore)
- Which two "Harry Potter" characters make up the DNA of your personality?
- Do you belong in the "Harry Potter" universe or the "Twilight" universe?
- Are you a muggle or a wizard?
- Which "Harry Potter" villain and hero combo are you?
- Do you belong in Hogwarts or Camp Half Blood?
- What "Harry Potter" hairstyle best matches your personality?
- Which "Harry Potter" character matches your soul?
- Are you more 'book Hermione' or 'movie Hermione'?

- What poem describes your personality?
- Which famous poem was written about you?
- What poem are you?
- What poetry form am I?
- Which Sappho fragment are you?
- Which Emily Dickinson poem are you?
- Which famous poet is your soulmate?
- Which Lord of the Rings poem are you?
- Which poet are you?
- Which famous poet are you?

- What's your superpower?
- Are you more like Tony Start or Steve Rogers?
- Which Marvel squad do you belong in?
- What combo of one "Star Wars" and one Marvel character are you?
- Which Marvel movie quote should you live your life by?
- Which Marvel villain are you?
- Which DC character are you?
- Which DC villain are you?
- Which two Umbrella Academy characters are you?
- What combo of one "Umbrella Academy" and one Avengers character are you?
- Who is your comic book counterpart?

- Who is your "Haunting of Bly Manor" soulmate?
- If you were a character, how would the audience percieve you?
- What kind of reader are you?
- Which book perfectly matches your personality?
- Which new book should you read over the long weekend?
- What book genre are you?
- Which fictional universe do you belong in?
- Which book series should you read next?
- What area of your life do you need to Marie Kondo?
- Are you more book smart or street smart?
- What novel are you?