Alachua County Library District cards are free to any resident of Florida. To register, Florida residents 18 years of age and older must present photo identification and proof of residency in person at any Library District location. Minors (ages 4-17) must be accompanied by a legal guardian as the Responsible Party.
Acceptable Forms of Identification
Any current, valid photo ID with Florida address is acceptable. If the photo ID does not have the current Florida address, residency can be verified with:
- Voter's Registration Card
- Rent or utility receipt
- Personal checkbook with imprinted name and address
- Property tax notice
- Name and address on mail with canceled postage, including forwarded mail
- Telephone listing in current telephone directory
For registration of a minor, the parent or legal guardian must have own photo ID plus a form of ID for the child. Acceptable identification for a minor:
- School report card
- School immunization record
- Health insurance card
- Social Security card
- Birth certificate
- Passport
Replace a Lost or Stolen Card
Cardholders are responsible for all items on a card, all use made of the card and all charges made against it until it is reported lost or stolen. If your card is lost or stolen, inform the library immediately. You have three ways of notifying us of a lost or stolen card: call 352-334-3950, email, or visit to your nearest library location to report the card lost or stolen.
Replacement cards can be issued at any of our library locations. Please bring your current, valid photo ID with you to request a replacement card.

Cardholder Responsibilities
You must present your library card or valid photo ID for all library transactions. Minor patrons 4–17 years old must present a library card, or be able to verify account information to check out library materials. Find out more about materials available for check-out and borrowing privileges.
Cardholders are responsible for all items checked out on their library cards, including those checked out up to the time a card is reported lost or stolen. The parent or legal guardian is responsible for the use of the card of his/her minor child.
Cardholders will not be allowed to check out additional materials if they have 5 or more overdue items, or have accumulated $50 or more in charges. Materials must be returned in good condition. Cardholders will be charged for any lost or damaged materials as well as for materials that are returned with missing pieces.
Courtesy notices will be sent to cardholders when an item is 14-days overdue, when a lost item is charged, and for charges totaling $50 or more. Cardholders are responsible for all charges whether or not they receive a bill.
Your account PIN/password is automatically set to the four-digit year you were born (ex. 1956). To better secure your library account, you can reset your PIN/password to something more secure by logging in to your library account.
Renew Your Expired Card
All standard library cards expire and must be renewed every two years. Cardholders must visit any Alachua County Library District location with their current, valid photo ID with Florida address and have a $0 balance on their account in order to renew their card. If the photo ID does not have the current Florida address, residency can be verified with any of the additional acceptable forms of identification listed on this page.