Spring Teen Art Show (Ages 16-19)

Spring Teen Art Show 2025

The Spring Teen Art Show is almost here! Teen participants (ages 16-19), can choose their favorite works and submit them for consideration.  Submissions will be accepted from February 23 to March 22.

If you are considering entering, please consult the contest rules.

Contest Guidelines
  • Entrants must be between the ages of 16-19 and a Florida resident. Each entrant is limited to three pieces of artwork. Entries will be accepted from February 23 – March 22, 2025. Artwork must be submitted to one of the 12 Alachua County Library District (ACLD) locations with a complete entry form. Digital artwork must be printed and submitted to one of the 12 ACLD locations.

  • All artwork must be the original work of the entrant. Entrants must not use AI technology or Machine Learning to generate artwork or to assist in generating artwork. 

  • Artwork should abide by ACLD’s Exhibit and Display Policy found at https://www.aclib.us/policies

  • Artwork should be labeled with the artist's full name and the title of the piece. Physical artwork must be no bigger than 18” x 18" x 18".

  • Video entries must not run longer than five minutes and should contain captions for the hearing impaired. Video submissions must be submitted via email to the Youth Services Department at ysref@aclib.us. Please include the title of the video and artist’s name in the email. Videos can be sent as an mp4 or QuickTime file or can be uploaded to YouTube. Any videos containing copyrighted music may be muted when/if they are shared on the library’s website or other social media sites. 

  • All artworks will be displayed on the library’s website, https://www.aclib.us/spring-teen-art-show-ages-16-19, and on the library’s affiliated social media sites, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr or YouTube for the duration of the show and any extension thereof.

  • All artworks will be on display to the public at the Headquarters Library on April 5-6, 2025. 

  • Winners will be announced at a reception on April 5, 2025 at 1:00 p.m. in the Teen Space at the Headquarters Library, 401 East University Avenue, Gainesville, FL. Winners will be announced via the library’s website no later than Monday, April 7, 2025 by 5:00 p.m. Awards will be given for the following: 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place with four Honorable Mentions, Best Logo, Crowd Favorite and four category winners (Best Painting, Best Portrait, Best Nature, Best Drawing). Decisions of the judges are final. Voting for the Crowd Favorite will be open April 5, 202 at 1:00 p.m. through April 6, 2025 at 4:00pm. Crowd Favorite will only be announced via the library website. 

  • All artworks must be picked up from the location where it was submitted by June 8, 2025. Artwork not picked up by that time will become property of ACLD in accordance with the Gifts to the Library section of the ACLD Collection Development and Maintenance Policy found at https://www.aclib.us/policies

Any questions or concerns can be sent to the Youth Services Department of the Headquarters Library via email at ysref@aclib.us or by calling 352-334-3941.

When you bring your submission(s) to your library branch, please be sure to bring a hard copy of the entry form (PDF or MSWord), completed and signed by you and your legal guardian.

Winners will be announced on Saturday, April 5, and all entries will be displayed in a gallery-style setting in our Headquarters Library’s Teen Space. Voting for Crowd Favorite will also commence during this full weekend, and that winner will be announced on social media and on our website the following week.

We hope to see and honor your work. For questions or comments, please get in touch with us at ysref@aclib.us.

Interested in last year’s winners? Check out our slide show here.