Distributing Material, Canvassing, Performing or Speaking on Library Property

Alachua County Library District Policy Statement

Approved by: Date:
Board of Trustees 12/17/08
Revised 08/16/17
Governing Board 02/26/09
Revisde 09/06/17



The Alachua County Library District recognizes and supports the public’s rights to free speech that includes presenting speeches, distributing petitions or other information, and advocating views or positions. However, the Library District also has an obligation to provide library services to the public in an environment where access and privacy are maintained and where safe and unobstructed ingress and egress to Library District property is provided. Therefore, the Library District has established this policy to allow free speech while ensuring that the rights of others to use Library District facilities are not impeded.


This policy pertains to the use of the Library District grounds and not the inside of the Library District buildings. Persons wishing to reserve a designated meeting space on Library District property should refer to the Meeting Room/Outdoor Spaces or Exhibit and Display policies, or speak with the person in charge of the Library District facility they would like to use.


  1. Persons wishing to distribute material, canvass, perform, or speak on Library District property must obtain permission in advance from the person in charge of the location. Each location has a designated area to speak, canvass, perform, or distribute materials that is safe and ensures that library users will have unobstructed facility ingress and egress.
  2. The conduct of persons speaking, canvassing, performing, or distributing information on Library District grounds must be in compliance with Library District policies and federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, and statutes.
  3. Distributing materials, canvassing, performing, or speaking may be done only during the operating hours of the Library District location where the activity is taking place.
  4. Materials including, but not limited to, posters, flyers, placards, political campaign information, banners, or signs of any type may not be left unattended on Library District grounds. The Library District will remove and dispose of any unattended materials, including political campaign signs. This regulation does not apply to materials (i.e., newspapers) that are distributed through self-closing, secure, stand-alone dispensers that have been approved to be on Library District grounds by the person in charge of the location.