Gale Legal Forms

Access Gale Legal Forms

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Gale Legal Forms offers a wide selection of essential state-specific legal forms that may be customized for the most common legal procedures. These forms are used by attorneys and law firms and include real estate contracts, wills, pre-marital agreements, bankruptcy, divorce, landlord tenant, name change and many others. Many forms are ideal for supporting legal tasks relevant to business owners, such as filing for copyrights, patents and trademarks, articles of incorporation, licenses, and more.

Gale Legal Forms now has more than 23,000 Spanish legal forms available. With over 41 million native Spanish speakers in the United States, Gale Legal Forms can provide the Hispanic community with access to state-specific forms that help people address common legal activities and procedures with accurate and reliable information.

This resource can help patrons understand common legal procedures and provides access to thousands of customizable legal documents. Using the templated forms, individuals can create accurate, reliable legal documents specific to their state without stress or uncertainty. Forms are accessible online, mobile responsive, and downloadable in Microsoft Word, Adobe Acrobat, and other formats. 

In addition to forms, there are comprehensive descriptions, legal definitions, a law digest, and an attorney directory to assist you.

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