
Access Creativebug

illustration of hands with a cross-stitch work of a flower

Get unlimited access to over 1,000 online arts and crafts classes on subjects like painting, embroidery, jewelry and sewing. All you need is your library card. Classes are taught by artists and creative experts. Visit the pattern library to view and download a curated collection of knit and crochet pattern PDFs. New patterns are added every season.

Looking to get creative on a daily basis? The 'Daily Practice' section offers a variety of Daily Challenges on subjects like oil painting, book art, mixed media, and lettering. Use these series to create good working habits and familiarize yourself with whatever craft suits you. View the calendar to see what videos have just been released or what to look forward to in the next month. Videos that have been released already can be accessed directly from this page.

Kids can use Creativebug to get crafty, too! Visit the kids section to see arts and crafts for kids and parents to do together.

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