It began with my love of making dreamcatchers.
I had been making dreamcatchers and giving them away as gifts for several years when I had a vision. The vision was of a Christmas tree made entirely of dreamcatchers. At first, I tried to make the conical shape with several strands of grapevine but it quickly became tangled up. Then I thought to stack the wreaths and weave them together with wire.
One weekend, I walked to a spot where grapevines tangled in the sky among trees. Armed with pruning shears, I gathered the vines into various sized wreaths. Once I had an armload of wreaths, I assembled them in order of size with the largest ones below, tapering to smaller dimensions. With three two-wire strands, I wove the pyramid of wreaths into submission creating this lovely assemblage.
Rather than standing it up on a table, I chose to hang it from the ceiling so it could spin freely.
Below are directions on how it is done.
How to Make a Wreath Tree:
Decorating for the holidays can be inspiring with these books.