This movie has fantastic performances (Anthony Mackie, Falcon from the Marvel movies, and Jamie Dornan from The Fall) and is surprisingly emotional, as both main characters deal with the impact the past has on their present. I would highly recommend it. Click one of the following titles or movie posters to go to the catalog and come in to check out or place on hold to pick up at the branch of your choice.
Urge: A group of friends encounters a mysterious man with a sinister plan who introduces them to a designer drug that lowers a person’s morals and takes away their inhibitions completely.
The Cell: A company has developed an elaborate experimental system where a cocktail of mind altering drugs is pumped into a person in order to help children who are locked in their own bodies, unable to communicate. When a serial killer, whose victim is in imminent danger, falls into a catatonic state, a former social worker is coopted into entering his tortured mind to attempt to retrieve the victim’s whereabouts.
A Scanner Darkly: Based on the Phillip K. Dick novel of the same name, this movie explores identity in a Los Angeles plagued by the drug, Substance D. This drug causes intense hallucinations and harsh long-term effects for those addicted to it. When an undercover officer falls prey to addiction, his personality splits and that alter ego becomes the target of a police investigation.
Limitless: Based on the book, this movie follows a man who takes a drug that gives him extraordinary mental recall and amazing speed at processing information. He ends up getting into a bind when the drug’s side effects and conflict with a finance tycoon threaten his newly formed dream life.