Suspect 8: Georgia Dorsey

Black and white mugshot of an older woman holding a board that says "Suspect #8: Georgia Dorsey"
[[Begin interview transcript.]]

[Why did you go to the library that day?]

I wanted to see if there were new coupons. There are supposed to be new ones out every day, but the staff at the library don’t always put them out. 

[I understand that you often had disagreements with the victim.]

With Tricia? Oh I wouldn’t say that. She and I just didn’t see eye to eye on certain things.

[It says here the police were called to escort you from the building, and you were banned for a month after that. Is that correct?]

Well, I mean, yes, but it was just a misunderstanding. 

[And you were escorted from a county commissioners meeting, where you were complaining about library staff, and the victim in particular.]

Well—that was. That was due to extenuating circumstances.

[Ms. Dorsey, you threatened the library staff on multiple occasions. And another staff person has told us that you argued with the victim earlier this week.]

I did, but it was because she wasn’t putting the coupons out! I told you that! And sometimes she fills in the crossword in the Post before she puts out the paper, and she does it in pen! Which means that I can’t do it. There’s not much I look forward to anymore, and it is—was upsetting when she would take that moment from me.

[Have you considered buying your own subscription to the Post?]

What? I can’t afford that. And I already pay so much for the library in my taxes as it is. It’s only what I’m owed. 

[So where were you around 5:15 that evening?]

I was leaving. Or I had already left. I don’t really remember. I had been at the library for almost an hour at that point, and I went to speak to Joseph. Young Lonnie Evans was there, so I kept it short. He’s an odd one. And then I left.

[Was anyone able to see you the entire time you were in the reading room?]

I certainly wouldn’t know. They watch me sometimes. Tricia accused me of stealing magazines on more than one occasion. It’s very upsetting to be accused of something I’m innocent of. 

[So no one saw you and can corroborate that you did not enter the meeting room at any point that evening?]

I never stepped foot in that meeting room. I don’t like children. They’re loud and sticky. And I had my back to the door, so I have no idea if anyone else went in there. Now if we’re done, I would like to leave. I have a meeting with my book club tonight, and I am hosting. I’m sure you appreciate how much I have to accomplish before the ladies arrive. 

[[End recording.]]


A rap sheet for the Centreville Police Station. It is for Georgia Dorsey, a library patron. She is 5'6", weighs 112lbs, has blonde hair and brown eyes, and was born on 1/31/1959. There are suspect notes and fingerprints at the bottom of the page.


A blurred out photo with police lights in the background. In the foreground is a strand of yellow caution tape that reads "Police Do Not Cross." Over it are the words "Crime Scene Photos"
Photo of a police evidence file and a roll of red "evidence" tape. Over it are the words "Evidence Locker."
Photo of a large filing cabinet, with the words "Police Files" centered on the image.


By RachaelR on December 2, 2020