Suspect 4: Leroy Hartman

[[Begin interview transcript.]]

Black and white mugshot of a man in a leopard print bathrobe holding a board that says "Suspect #4: Leroy Hartman"

[So you helped Ms. McMillan with the party, correct?]


[Is that a normal part of your job?]


[Can you elaborate?]

Tricia always threw a big holiday party at the library. But this year, Al—the guy she hires to play Santa—didn’t show up. So Tricia asked me to dress up in the old costume she keeps in the supply closet. I tried to tell her that it was way above my pay grade, but Joe and Anya thought it was a good idea, so I was out voted.

[You don’t seem happy about it.]

I don’t like kids very much, but I sucked it up and dealt with it so we wouldn’t have screaming kids in the library.

[What did you do after the party ended?]

I left the meeting room and went to go get changed. I didn’t want to go by the front desk in case any of the kids were still hanging around there, so I cut through the historical collection to get to the staff area. 

[Did you see anyone in there?]

No? Tricia always locks it up during the big programs; I had to use my key to get in. 

[What did you do after you changed?]

I poked my head out and talked to Joe for a while at the circ desk. Said hi to Lonnie too. Ms. Dorsey came up to complain about the coupons again, and after she left I told Joe I was going to shelve in the teen room.

[Did you?]

Yeah. I shelved in there for a bit and then went to the restroom. When I came out, the police were there to evacuate the building.

[So you didn’t see Ms. McMillan at all once you went to change?]


[We found a sticky note on her desk that reads “finish writing up Leroy for abuse of leave time.” Did you know anything about that?]

What? No. She was really going to write me up over that? What a b—

[[End recording.]]


A rap sheet for the Centreville Police Station. It is for Leroy Hartman, the library shelver. He is 5'8", weighs 235lbs, has white hair and blue eyes, and was born on 2/11/1955. There are suspect notes and fingerprints at the bottom of the page.


A blurred out photo with police lights in the background. In the foreground is a strand of yellow caution tape that reads "Police Do Not Cross." Over it are the words "Crime Scene Photos"
Photo of a police evidence file and a roll of red "evidence" tape. Over it are the words "Evidence Locker."
Photo of a large filing cabinet, with the words "Police Files" centered on the image.


By RachaelR on December 2, 2020