Stay up-to-date on the news

Do you miss reading the daily newspaper at the library? Want to keep up with the latest local news? The library offers the Gainesville Sun digitally through our eSource, Newsbank. The full-color image version is available for January 2019- current issues, while the text-only version covers 1995-current issues. 
The New York Times logo

Are you more interested in World or U.S. news? The library also provides library card holders with free access to the New York Times. Users will need to register with their library card number to gain full access to their website. You can view this newspaper on your computer or download the app to your smartphone or tablet.

If you are looking to read a different newspaper, you can check out the library's newspaper database, Newsbank. It offers text-only access to Florida newspapers such as The Chiefland Citizen, The Miami Herald, Ocala Star Banner, The Orlando Sentinel, and Tampa Bay Times. There is also a list of Major Metro Titles, such as The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The Denver Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, San Francisco Chronicle, and USA Today.

By Sabrina on August 12, 2020