Seed Library FAQs

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Seed Library FAQ


What is the Seed Library?

We share free seeds and gardening tips with all gardeners, new and experienced. Ask your local branch staff about our seed libraries the next time you visit!


Where do you get the seeds?

We have been fortunate to receive donations from seed companies Baker Creek Heirloom, Park Seed, True Leaf Market, Burpee, and Seed Savers Exchange, as well as local organization Working Food. We are most fortunate when our patrons are able to save locally grown and collected seeds to donate back to our collection.


Do I need a library card?

No. The seed library is free and open to anyone with or without a library card. We're happy to sign you up for one!


Do I need to pay? How many seeds can I take?

Each library has set their own checkout limit depending on what they are able to provide but all seeds are free. Check with your library for information specific to their location.


How do I borrow seeds?

Call your closest library location and let staff know you are interested in borrowing seeds. All libraries have a selection of seeds that are best to plant during the current month.


Am I required to return seeds?



How do I donate seeds to the library?

You may donate partially used packs of seeds by placing the pack in a Ziplock bag and dropping it in one of our bookdrops with a note letting us know it is for the seed library. If you are donating seeds you have saved, please be sure to write down as much information about the plant as possible including its light requirements, seed depth, germination time, when it was collected, and your contact information in case we have any questions.


I borrowed some seeds but they didn't sprout. What happened?

Our seeds come from many sources. We hope all seeds donated to the library are viable but we can't make any guarantees. If you kept the packet, bring it in and let the seed librarian know and we'll run a sprout test.


My library doesn’t have seeds/doesn’t have the seed I’m looking for.

Let the librarian know! We are happy to communicate with our other locations to see if we can find what you're looking for.


Seed Saving

If you are new to seed saving and want to give it a try, Community Seed Network has several resources listed on their website.

By NaomiB on December 8, 2020