Hey, sports fans! The 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo may have been postponed until next year – but there’s no reason to wait another minute for fun outdoor sports activities you can craft yourself! We call this the POOL NOODLE OLYMPICS!!!(See the video for the proper way to say “Pool Noodle Olympics” while raising one hand in a mighty salute.)
Watch the staff at the Waldo Branch as we compete in three heroic events – the javelin throw, croquet, and the dangerously delightful boffers battle! To craft your own Pool Noodle Olympics, all you’ll need is pool noodles and a few other common crafting supplies:
- Scissors
- Glue
- Pen
- Cardboard
- Large marker (or other object to add weight to the front of the javelin)
- Pool noodles
- Sticks
- Scissors
- Paper
- Tape
Boffers Battle
- Pool noodles
- Reckless abandon
- Thirst for glory
Click here for the rules for the javelin throw, here for the rules for croquet, and here for the rules for the boffers battle. You may want to modify them, since the only real rules are to have fun, play fair, and be a good sport. Also, here are some exciting sports books to browse.
We’re sure that many of you will enjoy these events, and love creating your own pool noodle sports competitions. Share your results with us! Tag us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram with @alachualibrary - and have fun!