Teens and tweens, the intent of this blog is to offer alternate reading material some that will be useful for the rest of your reading days.
Realizing that the teenage years brings on more. More what? Homework, chores, need for more money, independency (in some areas); all these things require time. So, that puts us to not having the time to read.
Based on research, it is not just time that keeps teens and tweens from reading, it’s the new world of electronics. A report, written by Jaime Ducharme for Time, expresses how teens are spending less time reading.
The numbers are mind boggling when it shows how much less youth are reading these days. Reports also show that teens have traded leisure reading for social media on the internet.
A survey provided by the American Psychological Association reported that in a years’ time, only one third of the teenager population would have read a book of pleasure.
For now, traditional print media such as: books, magazines and television is a thing of the past.
Whether you are reading from an actually book or from an electronic devices the results are the same. Reading has a greater positive effect.
The format in which you choose to read from is not the problem. The problem comes when the electronic devices totally distract teens from reading, rather, they are steering teens to social media.
No one is saying that anything is wrong with the cell phone, tablet or what have you. What is being said is that teens are reading less.
Most of you have probably heard this saying, “it is not what you eat but how much of it that you eat.” The same applies to electronic devices. It’s not that using an electronic device is bad, it is all about how much time is spent using them.
Take a look at the advantages of reading.
1. Generally, readers do better in school
2. Reading increases the vocabulary
3. It allows teens to see how others put their thoughts into words
4. Teens get better at processing complex thoughts,
5. The more teens read the more information they learn
6. It broadens their horizons.
7. It is relaxing and enjoyable.
Teens, did you know that there are reading materials that you have probably forgotten about that would make reading material easier and faster? Are you ready for this? Children and juveniles books. Yes, teens reading books that are so far below their reading ability may sound a little absurd.
This blog will make sense to you, but you must read the whole thing. Promise you will stay with me.
Okay, let’s continue. Do we agree that social media takes up a lot of your time? Then there are chores to do at home, homework assignments, part-time jobs, extracurricular school activities just to name a few.
To regain the benefits of reading with a little time to spare there are children books.
Remember how much you enjoyed having those books read to you?
Well, now is the time to pick up those books and read them yourself.
There is a wonderful collection of picture books that will put a smile on anyone’s face. They are a delight to read.
The picture books may sometime be very wordy. That is why most time those books are read to the little ones, but for the teens, it will probably be a quick read and an enjoyable story.
We must not forget the bright, colorful pictures that are related to the story.
Hence, we have the Caldecott award. The award was named in honor of Randolph Caldecott, a 19th century English illustrator. The award is presented by the Association for Library Services to Children, a division of the American Library Association. Each year on the behalf of outstanding illustration for an American children’s book.
On almost any subject imaginable, a picture book for a child has been written.
To name just a few.
Think about this, it’s not children that write children’s books, its adults. Adults know what is like to be a child, a teenager, and an adult. This is why they are able to write such amazing stories.

Eddie the Bully My Friends Make Me Happy! Jabari Jumps
Finally, let’s talk about juvenile non-fiction materials; it won’t take us long.
If you are having trouble trying to understand who, what, where, why or how about something or someone, grab a juvenile version of the topic to understand the basic of the topic.
The difference will be that the information will be condensed compared to YA or an adult version.
In the the Alachua County Library District collection, you will find series such as: Who Was (?), these are basic biography books that are written by different authors with a summary of a specific individuals.
Another popular series is DK stands for Dorling and Kindersley. This team of authors have designed books that reference art, garden animals, photography, food, and many many more categories with fabulous illustrations.
As always, there are the electronic books. Check out the children’s collection, there you will be sure to find the right material for that science project that’s due soon.
Rembember that you are never too old.