Everyone needs a good bookmark for when they're reading, so they might as well be exciting! Here is a step-by-step guide for how to make your very own Avengers Bookmarks out of popsicle sticks. Enjoy!
What you'll need:
- Large craft sticks
- Small paintbrushes
- Paint (black, white, red, blue, purple, green, peach)
- Ballpoint pen (black)
- Metallic gold marker
- Mod Podge
Step 1:
Draw the designs (as seen below) onto the craft sticks. Some of the lines will get covered by paint, but that's okay because they are just guidlines!

Step 2:
- Paint the top half of Hulk (left stick) green
- Paint the middle section of Captain America (middle stick) white and the block below his eyes peach
- Fill in the bottom and top portions of Iron Man with the metallic gold marker. Make sure to leave the little spot at the top of Iron Man blank because you will paint that later. See photo below.

Step 3:
- Paint the bottom half of Hulk purple
- Paint red stripes onto the white portion of Captain America
- Paint the middle portion of Iron Man and the spot at the very top red. Make sure to paint around the circle in the middle of him--that will be the arc reactor!

Step 4:
Paint the top and bottom portions of Captain America blue, while making sure to paint around the block you painted peach before.

Step 5:
**Before doing anything in step, make sure all the paint has dried!**
- Paint the very top of Hulk black for his hair (you should be able to see the lines you drew earlier through the green paint. Then paint his eyes and mouth. After the paint for his mouth has dried, you can draw in the lines for his teeth using the ballpoint pen.
- Paint Captain America's eyes, star, and "A".
- Paint the white and black lines for Iron Man's face, then fill in the circle for the arc reactor using white paint.

Step 6:
After all of the paint has dried on each Avenger (maybe let it dry overnight), paint a coat of Mod Podge on each craft stick to seal in the paint and make it shine, then let it dry completely. And there you have it--your very own Avengers bookmarks!
Once your bookmarks are ready to go, feel free to check out some of the awesome Avengers graphic novels in our catalog, so you can put those superheroes to use!