JW Robitaille received an MA in English Literature from the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, and an MA in Creative Writing from the University of Florida. For over thirty years, she taught English at Santa Fe College in Gainesville, Florida, publishing three Writer’s Resources textbooks accompanied by a CDROM. At the same time, she also wrote fiction, usually finishing a writing project just in time for fall term to start. She has written four novels, four screenplays, and dozens of short stories.
Robitaille's goal has always been to make the world a more beautiful place. That goal informed her choice of career, teaching, because in teaching she tried to help kids live fuller, richer, happier lives. It has informed her domestic life in her creation of spaces and it informed the choices she made daily in parenting. Certainly, it has informed her choice of avocations—writing and painting.
"I write because I believe that the creation of fictional worlds is the highest aspiration of humankind. In my writing, I wish to convey some sense, some hint of the complexity of life and emotion and relationship."