The Light in Hidden Places by Sharon Cameron

It is 1943, and sixteen-year-old Stefania Podgórska's life has forever changed as the German army invades Poland. The Diamants, a Jewish family she has been working for and living with, are forced into the ghetto. Stefania is alone in an occupied city, the only one left to care for her six-year-old sister Helena. And then comes the knock at the door. Max Diamant has jumped from the train headed to a death camp. Stefania and Helena make the extraordinary decision to hide Max, and eventually twelve more Jews, for over a year. Stefanie fed, clothed, cared for, hid these people, most of which were complete strangers prior to the war. She even underwent some disturbing medical procedures
author Sharon Cameron
all in the hopes of getting life saving medicine for them. 

Sharon Cameron has written an incredible book based on the real life of Stefania and Helena Podgórska. This is a wonderful read that is full of one struggle after another, but somehow the author manages to capture and convey the beauty and life that the Germans tried to snuff out. Perfect for any historical fiction lover, the exceptional writing and amount of in-depth research promises a unique experience.

two girls during the Holocaust
Cameron also includes some images and updates on the two girls and some of the Jews they hid from years later. In 1979 both Stefania and Helena were recognized as Rightous Amoung the Nations. This high honor is given by the State of Isreal to non-Jews who risked their lives during the Holocaust. Renovations are currently under way to turn their Polish home into a museum. For more information on Stefania Podgórska check out The Stefi Foundation's website.

By SamanthaN on January 26, 2021