'Tis the season for gift giving, right?
Of course you want to participate; but gift giving can get pretty expensive.
Especially on a teenage-sized budget, and depending on the number of family members and friends that you have. ... And you certainly wouldn't want anyone to feel left out.
So you make the tough decision: Give to no one or find something economical enough that you can give to everyone on your list.
I have decided to make greeting cards this year. Take a look at this one that I made. It's really simple to do, yet has a nice personal touch.

If you like this idea, it can be completed with just a few supplies, and in just a few steps.
Supplies Needed: Construction paper, scissors (or exacto knife), colored tissue paper, glue stick, writing utensils, cookie cutters or stencils (optional)
1) Fold a piece of construction paper in half to create a card
2) Draw a shape on the front cover of your card to cut out (Cookie cutters or stencils can be used for this, if you choose)
3) Use scissors, or exacto knife, to cut out the shape that you have drawn on the front cover

4) Close the card and lay it face up on a flat surface
5) Apply glue within the shape that you have cut (I prefer to use a glue stick for this)

6) Tear the colored tissue paper(s) of your choice into small pieces and place them onto the glued area to create a 3-D design on your card

7) Add a special message to your card, using the writing utensils of your choice
If you're looking for more money-saving, last minute gift ideas, your local library (aka, the Alachua County Library District) can assist.
Use your library card or student card to access the free eSource offered through the Library District, Creativebug.
To give you an idea of the types of gifting ideas that you can find there, I have chosen some of my favorites to highlight.
These are all things that can be quickly and easily made, using items already in your home and can be purchased inexpensively at your local dollar store or craft store. And best of all, the short lessons on Creativebug offer you step-by-step instructions on how to complete each craft.
And what says 'I truly care about you' more than a handcrafted gift?
You can click the links below to access classes offering step-by-step instructions for creating the gift ideas below through the Creativebug eSource, and thank me for the hook up later by sharing a picture of what you decided to make on our social media pages (Facebook: Alachua County Library District, Instagram/Twitter: @AlachuaLibrary).
I'd love to see grandma's reaction to the gift that you made her.
Paper Book Covers (on Creativebug)
This is definitely the library. The first gift idea just has to involve books. Lol!
If you have decided to purchase someone the book that they have just been dying to read, use this craft to give it a special flare that can serve as your wrapping paper, also.
Maybe there's a classic book, or one that is intended to stay in the family for generations; if you think your loved one would count it as an honor, use this gift idea to help protect that special piece of literature by giving it a custom covering.

Image Transfers (on Creativebug)
If you are like me, and you do not draw well, this simple idea will blow your mind and make you feel like a rock star after you use it to make wonderful creations.
Like seriously, some packing tape, an old magazine, and a container of water, and you could be creating gift cards better than the overly priced ones from the store. ... Wait, did I say that? Yes. I said it. You'll see. Just wait until you try.
Disclaimer: I was only referring to images in the above statement. If you do not yet have Hallmark-level skills with words, you're going to need to use the image transferring technique to apply some text to your card, also. You feel me?
Just make sure you don't use copyrighted materials.

Make Paper Clay Christmas Ornaments (on Creativebug)
Listen. Do not ignore this idea.
I know you probably pictured yourself with a spinning wheel, molding clay for pottery - and you don't even have one of those.
You don't need it. Okay?
This isn't that. It's paper clay that comes in a package. You can get it from the craft store.
You just tear it from the package and roll it out on a flat surface. Then the fun begins with cookie cutters and jars from your cabinet.
Check it out on Creativebug, for real! You can potentially make dozens of these things from a single pack of clay, and give them as gifts or use them to add a personal touch when wrapping gifts that you have already purchased.

How to Tie a Bow (on Creativebug)
If you could use a little tutorial on how to tie a bow (like my teenage son).
Sidebar: See the hat that I'm holding in this picture? I needed him to tie the bow back because I noticed that it had come a loose and I was driving. ... He couldn't do it.

It's okay, though. Many people struggle with tying bows. That is why this brief lesson was created - to help people. So I'm referring my son to this class, also.
And there you have it? Some quick examples of gift ideas that you can find on Creativebug.
Trust me. There's much more that you might also find helpful.
Check it out; and happy gift giving!
You can also find more gift ideas from the Alachua County Library District's catalog.