June is African American Music Month

an older african american man sitting down playing a guitar
I know so many of you in the community are used to celebrating Black Music month at the Bo Didley Plaza with a live Jazz, R&B, Gospel, or Reggae band on each Friday of the week in the month of June. However, there are ways that we can still honor and celebrate black music during this month. 

1. Download five favorite R&B, Reggae, Gospel, or jazz songs a week, or discover a new artist from Freegal, the ACLD's free music service.

2. Download an e-book or place a print book on hold about your favorite African American Musician ,singer, or challenge yourself to learn something new about your favorite genre of music. For example, who was more intrumental in the creation of Jazz: John Coltrane,  Duke Ellington, or Scott Joplin ?

3. There's always music CD's! ACLD has a great collection of classical and contemporary R&B, Jazz, Reggae, Gospel, and Rap and Hip Hop music. Just place your item on hold and pick it up at the curbside of your closest library.

4. And, don't forget your DVD's. This is the perfect time to re-watch  The Temptations, Dreamgirls, Straight Outta Comptom, or search the ACLD catalog and discover something new.

Whatever you do have fun. It's African American Music Month. Let the music carry you away!

By LindaC on August 3, 2021