The Alachua County Library District and George A. Smathers Libraries at the University of Florida are honoring the memory and contributions of Dr. Patricia Hilliard-Nunn by sharing Black films and books with our community.
Dr. Hilliard-Nunn was a beloved activist and educator at University of Florida's African American Studies Program. Her research included Black media and African American History in Alachua County. This collection honors Dr. Hilliard-Nunn's passion for cinema and her legacy as a director and producer dedicated to telling Black stories. She passed away in August 2020.

The Alachua County Library District will showcase a curation of DVDs and books about Black film, culture, and local history at Headquarters Library starting Feb. 12 through March 12. The display will be located on the third floor and all items will be available for check out. Patrons can view the display during browsing hours Monday, Friday, and Saturday 2-5 p.m.; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 2-7 p.m.
The George A. Smathers Libraries will create a legacy collection of Black film literature to honor Hilliard-Nunn, including films about Black film history; documentaries about Black culture, history, and social issues; and secondary articles and resources on film theory, analyses, and criticism. This collection includes an online guide for campus and public users. This guide features film titles and resources available in the community, online, and at the University of Florida's Libraries.
In addition to the Library District’s curated collection, books and movies about Black history, culture, and local history can be placed on hold from our catalog and picked up during outside service or browsing hours.