I learned from a friend of mine how to cross stitch just over a year ago. Now believe me when I tell you, I am not a crafty person at all, or I wasn't before my friend taught me how to cross stitch. I recently decided it was time to learn something new, so I turned to Creativebug for some ideas. I stumbled upon the course Marbled Embroidery taught by Lauren from Lark Rising Embroidery.

Overall, I found the class easy to follow along and understand. Lauren does a great job of explaining her techniques and going over parts of the project that are a bit more difficult. The downloadable files included with the class have the colors of embroidery floss she uses and the pattern for the project. I like that she gives alternatives to certain supplies, like using the light from a window if you don't own a light table. I decided to use all different shades of green in my project, which you can see here. I also added my image to the course's gallery on Creativebug, which is a fun feature to try out as well. I hope you try this or one of the other great classes available on Creativebug soon!