Celebrate National Random Acts of Kindness Day!

"Be kind" by Mary Hutchison is marked with CC PDM 1.0

National Random Acts of Kindness Day, February 17, is here to remind us that no matter how much negativity seems to be filling our lives even the smallest acts of kindness change the world. As Desmond Tutu said, “Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.”

Kindness is defined by Oxford Lanugages as “the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate”. On the surface, it seems like being kind should be easy. However, Donna Cameron explains in A Year of Living Kindly: Choices that will Change Your Life and the World Around You, “kindness isn’t a destination, and it most certainly isn’t something that one achieves and from that day forward always has at the ready… kindness is something I must commit to every morning, something I keep in my awareness.” National Random Acts of Kindness day is the perfect time to re-affirm your commitment to kindness or make a personal commitment to spreading kindness.

There are varying accounts of the history and origin of National Random Acts of Kindness Day, but what all accounts have in common is a desire to bring kindness back into our daily lives. Each year this special day becomes more popular and is celebrated by individuals, institutions and groups throughout the nation.

The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation is one such organization. It was founded with the mission of promoting kindness in our everyday lives: school, work, community, and home. They have created free materials you can use to spread kindness, get inspired, or gain information for jump starting your own ideas. Looking for a way to add a little kindness to your daily life and get started on your commitment to kindness, but not sure where to start? Check out these free printable calendars which give you daily kindness activity suggestions.

"Man gifting a marigold flower to girl on a marigold field. Man hand with yellow flower." by Artem Beliaikin is marked with CC0 1.0
Here are a few ideas to get you ready to celebrate Random Acts of Kindness Day!

1. Give someone a compliment.

2. Send a letter or card to someone to let them know you are thinking of them. You can up your letter writing game with these tips.

3. Get creative! Knit a hat or blanket to donate to a local shelter. Find a project on CreativeBug to give as a surprise to a friend or co-worker.

4. Read to a child.

5. Post a positive review online for a local business.



"Coffee Break Reading Travel Book Lifestyle Concept" by Rawpixel Ltd is marked with CC0 1.0
Don’t forget to be kind to yourself as well.

1. Drink more water.

2. Take a moment to indulge yourself. Bake your favorite dessert or pick up something delicious from a local bakery.

3. Ride your bike, go for a walk, or practice Yoga.

4. Give that thing a try. You know. The thing you always want to do, but never seem to have the time. Learn skills or a skill to help you begin that new hobby.

5. Shower yourself with positive self-talk. You are worth it!

Learn more about the transformative powers of kindness.

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By Lena on February 15, 2021