2022 Reading Bingo

A long thin banner. The background is gold and there are sparkles.

It's almost 2022, and that means it's time for the Alachua County Library District Reading Bingo! Below, we have three different categories, each with twelve entries, to help guide your reading selections for each month of 2022. You don't have to read them in order, just try to read one book a month to complete your chosen bingo by January 1, 2023. If you want a printable card to keep track of the titles you read, click on the blue box in order to find an image version of each list!

So buckle up, because now's the time to decide: Do you want to go on an adventure, indulge in some nostalgia, or travel the multiverse, all from the comfort of your favorite reading spot? Or are you feeling particularly brave, and going to tackle all three? 


2022 Adventurous Reading Bingo

  1. An award winning book
  2. A book from your to-read pile
  3. A book set in another country (Need recommendations? Check here!)
  4. A library Sizzler (you'll only have two weeks to finish it!)
  5. A book that someone recommended to you
  6. The first book that catches your eye in a store or library
  7. A book first published in another language
  8. A book in a different format than what you normally read (audiobook, eBook, graphic novel, etc.)
  9. An anthology or collection
  10. A book you see a stranger reading
  11. An Own Voices book
  12. A book in a genre you've never read before
Printable Version: Adventurous Bingo

Right click to open in a new tab or download the image in order to print it or save it to your device! Write in the titles in the spaces provided. 

A printable image version of the 2022 Adventurous Reading Bingo listed above. The background is yellow and there is a space below each entry to write in the title that fulfills that entry.


2022 Nostalgic Reading Bingo

  1. A book you loved as a child
  2. A classic
  3. A book where the main character works at your dream job
  4. Your favorite book from 2021
  5. A book you didn't like in high school English class
  6. A novelization of a movie, TV show, or video game that you love
  7. A book that's loved by a family member
  8. A book set in a different era
  9. A book published or set the year you were born
  10. A book you think your best friend would enjoy
  11. A book set in your home state or hometown
  12. The first book you remember reading by yourself
Printable Version: Nostalgic Bingo

Right click to open in a new tab or download the image in order to print it or save it to your device! Write in the titles in the spaces provided. 

A printable image version of the 2022 Nostalgic Reading Bingo listed above. The background is yellow and there is a space below each entry to write in the title that fulfills that entry.


2022 Traveler's Reading Bingo

  1. A book set in space or on another planet
  2. A book set in an alternate universe
  3. A book with multiple timelines
  4. A book set in three or more countries
  5. A book set in the wilderness
  6. A book set in a fake country
  7. A book set underground
  8. A book set someplace you've never heard of before
  9. A book about an immigrant or the immigrant experience
  10. A book set on an airplane, train, or boat
  11. A book set in a country you want to visit
  12. A book with time travel
Printable Version: Traveler's Bingo

Right click to open in a new tab or download the image in order to print it or save it to your device! Write in the titles in the spaces provided. 

A printable image version of the 2022 Traveler's Reading Bingo listed above. The background is yellow and there is a space below each entry to write in the title that fulfills that entry.


By Rin on December 30, 2021