2021 Reading Challenges

Ready to start 2021 with a bang? Simply choose the reading challenge that inspires you, right click to open it in a new tab, and print off your very own copy. Don't forget to fill in completed titles in the space provided. Make sure when 2022 rolls around you can say YOU were up to the challenge. 

Using a screen reader? Transcripts of our printable reading challenges are included at the bottom of the page. 


Tower Road Library's 2021 Scholar's Reading Challenge printable sheet


Tower Road Library's 2021 Traveler's Reading Challenge printable sheet


Tower Road Library's 2021 Don't Judge A Book Reading Challenge printable sheet


Tower Road Library's 2021 Exceedingly Peculiar Reading Challenge printable sheet


Tower Road Library's 2021 'Hard Mode' Reading Challenge printable sheet


Reading Challenge Transcripts

2021 Scholar’s Reading Challenge:

A translated work

A book by an author of color

A historical non-fiction

A book published before you were born

A book someone recommended to you

A book by an indigenous author

A non-fiction graphic novel

An epistolary novel

A novella

A biography

A book you meant to read last year

A Booker prize nominee or winner


Traveler’s Reading Challenge:

A book set in Antarctica

A book set in Portugal

A book set in space

A book set in Kenya

A book set in New Zealand

A book set in more than three different countries

A book set in Peru

A book set in Russia

A book set in the wilderness

A book set in South Korea

A book set in the Czech Republic


Don’t Judge a Book Reading Challenge:

A book with a cat on the cover

A book with only words on the cover

A book with a mythical creature on the cover

A book with a one word title

A book with water on the cover

A book with a name for a title

A book with a book on the cover

A book with a vertically printed title

A book with a movie or TV poster as the cover

A book with a number in the title

A book with gorgeous art on the cover

A book with the letter Z in the title


Exceedingly Peculiar and Quite Impossible to Describe Reading Challenge:

A book with tentacles on the cover

A book recommended by someone under 15

The first book that catches your eye in a store/library

A book from the year you were born

A book with time travel

A book by an author whose name starts with J

A book with an animal protagonist

A book with a floating person on the cover

A book set on a train

A book that’s an inch wide from cover to cover

A book based on mythology

A book thats title starts with your first initial


‘Hard Mode’ reading challenge:

A book that’s over 800 pages

A book you find intimidating

A book with no words on the cover

A book in a genre or format you haven’t read

A non-fiction book on a topic that’s new to you

A book that’s mentioned in another book

A book chosen for you by someone else

A book you know will break your heart

A book that’s been in your ‘to read’ pile for too long

A book that’s at least 100 years older than you

A book in verse

A book that has seven words in its title

By RachaelR on December 31, 2020